In 5 steps to a healthy operational backbone with Process Mining

How are the defined business processes actually executed in practice? Are there bottlenecks or errors that lead to inefficiencies or delivery problems? Which process variant is the most efficient? In our whitepaper we show you how Process Mining can provide answers to these and other business critical questions.

Learn more about how Process Mining makes previously invisible process data visible and provides insight into real business processes. With our 5-step-plan you will not only succeed in the initial introduction of Process Mining into your organization, but also ensure a long-term successful implementation.


  1. The pain
    Today’s organizations rely on IT systems to support their business operations. Whether it is an ERP system to track production processes or a CRM system to coordinate sales and customer service processes, there is hardly any process that is not supported by one or more IT systems. In recent decades, enterprise systems have enabled businesses to straighten up their operational backbones. When carefully configured and maintained, IT systems allow businesses to deliver consistent quality with high efficiency. As time passes though, cracks emerge in these operational backbones. Compliance rules are...
  2. The treatment: Process Mining
    To keep a healthy operational backbone, companies need to regularly take a deep X-ray of their business processes. This is where process mining comes into play. Process mining leverages the digital traces recorded by enterprise systems in order to minutely analyze, monitor, and ultimately improve the performance and conformance of business processes, with a precision exceeding what can be achieved with traditional process modeling and analysis techniques. Thanks to process mining, we can...
  3. The benefit: Digital transparency
    Altogether, process mining provides answers to business-critical questions that organizations could not (easily) answer before. How is the process actually being executed? Are there bottlenecks causing inefficiencies? Are there multiple process variants, and if yes, what is causing these differences? The fast changing and competitive business environment companies face today, forces them to...
  4. The challenges: Overcoming fear and taking the pill
    Compared to other disciplines in the field of BPM, process mining is a relatively young discipline. The Process Mining Manifesto, published by leading researchers worldwide in 2011, first raised global awareness of the topic. Currently, there are 19 process mining vendors that are recognized by Gartner and featured in their 2019 Market Guide for Process Mining. Being a rather new area, internal know-how and a good understanding of the benefits of process mining techniques is regularly lacking in Senior Management, often leading to...
  5. Administering Process Mining: A five-step approach
    Process mining offers valuable insights into actual business processes, opening the doors to analyses that were not easily accessible before. Depending on your specific requirements, the starting point of your process mining journey might differ. Nevertheless, when introducing process mining in an organization (including the opportunity of doing so via a Proof-of-Value project) or successfully operating process mining, a 5-step plan has proven to be the most effective approach...
  6. Staying healthy: Embedding Process Mining in the BPM lifecycle
    Research as well as industry have agreed on a standard approach or best-practice approach when introducing and more importantly maintaining BPM within an organization – the BPM lifecycle. It consists of five broad stages: 1) Strategy or Design, 2) Process Modeling, 3) Execution or Implementation, 4) Monitoring and 5) Optimization or Redesign. But how does the relatively new discipline of process mining fit into this BPM lifecycle and where does it offer the most benefit to organizations? To stay healthy in the long run. To start with a simple answer...
  7. The operation‘s x-ray machine: introducing BIC Process Mining by Apromore
    The strategic partnership of Apromore and GBTEC combines cutting-edge process mining technology and recognized best practices with SaaS know-how and usability. BIC Process Mining powered by Apromore offers its users a vast range of...
  8. Advantages and uniqueness
    BIC Process Mining by Apromore is based on the most advanced process mining algorithm on the market, Split Miner, and years of extensive research & innovation by universities and world-leading researchers in process mining. Split Miner was especially designed to...


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