Time Savings of up to 40%
with BIC Enterprise Risk

Companies from all over the world trust us

Automated Risk Management. Reliable Goal Achievement.
With BIC Enterprise Risk.


360-Degree Risk Analysis

  • Identify and assess risks thoroughly within the scope of all important business aspects
  • Analyze interdependencies of risks and discover how cause and effect of risks relate to each other
  • Classify risks in terms of their impact on other management systems such as Compliance, Security, ESG, and ICS


Adaptive Risk/Opportunity Assessment

  • Diversify your risk and opportunity assessment, ranging from a basic risk matrix to Monte Carlo simulations
  • Make it easy to link your fully integrated, strategic risk management with financial planning
  • Benefit from ready-to-use applications for portfolio simulation, scenario analysis, stress tests, and multi-year projections

To Monte Carlo Whitepaper


Effective Risk Treatment

  • Make an informed decision between risk avoidance, reduction, acceptance, or transfer
  • Simplify cross-cutting response management and assign the same measure to multiple risks
  • Automate tracking the implementation of actions and sending reminders to those in charge


Comprehensive Risk Communication

  • Choose from a wide range of reporting options for data preparation and processing
  • Provide your management with a solid foundation for strategic decision-making through compelling reports and clear graphics
  • Integrate newly acquired risk data into existing reporting tools with minimum effort

Risk Management: All You Need to Know

Modern risk management plays a pivotal role in organizational success. From uncovering risks and opportunities to aligning goals with risk tolerance and appetite, effective risk management strategies empower businesses to navigate uncertainty with confidence. Find out more about how streamlined risk management processes generate real, tangible value, and set the stage for sustainable growth and business success.

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Risk management software

Improve Efficiency. Handle Risks.
Seize Opportunities.

Empower your business with our one-of-a-kind risk management software, BIC Enterprise Risk. Effectively navigate uncertainties, risks, and opportunities to boost your value creation potential.

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Additional Time Savings

Save valuable time through automated workflow guidance and notifications.

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Increased Reliability

Use simulation to assess risks and opportunities and get a clear overview of your risk portfolio.

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Highest Quality

Rely on proven and state-of-the-art software to ensure highest quality standards.

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Enhanced User Satisfaction

Benefit from a user-friendly interface and thought-out collaboration functions.

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Strengthened Financial Situation

Protect your assets against risks and seize opportunities to secure long-term financial growth.

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Better Communication

Enjoy fast and effective reporting options to inform management and other stakeholders.

We have reduced the controls for risk management in our company by a total of 85.25 % since our migration to BIC.

Sven Waldecker Risk Management and ICS specialist, EnBW

Start Your Journey to Effective Risk Management with BIC Enterprise Risk Today!

You would like to convince yourself of the performance of our risk management tool? Then contact us now and get 30 days free access to our software! Simply fill in the contact form and we'll get back to you shortly.

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Fast process automation

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No software installation

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Full functional range

Corporate Governance Icon

Highest security standards

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Multiple test users possible

30 days free trial

Try BIC Enterprise Risk 30 Days for Free

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Do you have any questions about our products or services?
Our experts will gladly assist you and look forward to your request.

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