Digital transformation
in manufacturing

Ensure long-term competitiveness in the market with a digital transformation. Professional process and risk management as well as software robots create more effective manufacturing processes and increase your customer and employee satisfaction.

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Challenges in manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is currently facing challenges from the aftermath of the pandemic in Corona, as well as the current political crisis. From daily supply chain disruptions, reviving in-house warehouses with inventories, skills shortages, stricter international regulations, and the use of new emerging technologies such as IOT, AI, robotics, and RPA, the manufacturing industry must prepare for upheaval. On top of that, customer demands are increasing: Shorter delivery times, greater product variety, and higher quality coupled with lower prices are all being demanded. To meet the growing requirements of the market and increase the efficiency of people and machines, the manufacturing industry is increasingly relying on digital technologies. With a successful digital transformation and the support of new digital technologies, the manufacturing industry masters these greatest challenges and uses them as an opportunity for more resilience and flexibility in the fast-moving sector:

  • Delivery difficulties and rising energy costs
  • Inefficient development, production and logistics processes
  • Outdated structures and complex IT landscapes
  • Demand for sustainability and climate neutrality

Solutions for the manufacturing industry

To meet current and future challenges around digitalization, process optimization and compliance adherence, the manufacturing industry needs to rethink. A professional business process management (BPM) tool helps to provide the foundation for automating production and supply chain processes, promote end-2-end cost transparency in the face of rising production and transportation costs, and simplify regulatory and IT security compliance in a management system.

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Transparent modeling, analysis, optimization and control of your business processes
Model and analyze your procurement, production and transport processes intuitively and discover time-consuming bottlenecks as well as cost-saving potentials.

Discover process management

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Process automation and workflow management as innovative drivers for your digital transformation
Identify automation potential for compliance processes, transform recurring activities into tasks automated by bots and save time-consuming manual processing.

Discover process automation

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Established governance, risk and compliance (GRC) management for comprehensive compliance and full transparency
Easily document, track, and report compliance with regulations such as the Supply Chain Act or standards such as ISO27001, and always keep track of your GRC operations.

Discover GRC

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Data-based analysis and process optimization for higher efficiency, productivity, and process excellence
Uncover inadequate resource allocation on your production lines, simulate suggestions for improvement, and optimize your operations using real-time data.

Disocver process mining

With the support we receive from the BIC Platform and GBTEC, we have been able to set up the IMS with its organization-independent structure in a targeted manner and can efficiently integrate new locations and topics thanks to standardized processes.

Ulrich Gotterbarm Senior Expert Business Process Management, Rolls-Royce Power Systems

Software robots optimize processes

Physical robots have been used in the manufacturing industry for decades. The situation is different for software robots: There is still a lot of catching up to do for Robotic Process Automation (RPA), even though RPA solutions are easy to implement, require little programming knowledge, and offer tremendous benefits for the manufacturing sector. RPA integrates seamlessly with existing ERP, CRM, and SCM systems without investing a lot of time and money. Software robots help manufacturing companies focus more on production innovation and core competencies instead of time-consuming, repetitive tasks. RPA tools take on a wide range of activities that automated bots can perform flawlessly and no longer need to be handled manually, such as:

  • Automatic filling of forms
  • Scan, read and verify invoices based on the purchase order
  • Automated processing of customer inquiries
  • Automatically send invoices to appropriate individuals or departments for approval
  • Streamline repetitive activities such as quoting, invoicing, accounts receivable, or general ledger operations

With BIC Platform's automation tool, BIC Process Execution, you can turn your business workflows directly into executable processes and open up new possibilities with the integrated RPA component that enables more efficient collaboration between employees and robots in your company.

Would you like to learn more about digital transformation with BIC in manufacturing?

We support you in the digitalization of your business processes and advise you individually on all challenges in manufacturing. Benefit from our professional and technical expertise and start your technological transformation with us.

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